
Whoa whoa whoa, how do you not tell us what happened next? I mean, you HAD to have questioned him on why he told you he was colorblind. That's such a bizarre thing to make up. I need answers.

Was it really necessary to try again with another lame joke?

This happened to me in the very first game of Madden 25 I played. Started a Franchise, Week 1, Hakeem Nicks Fractured Vertebrae. Turned off the game, haven't played it since (mostly cause it's just bad, not the injury).

Eh, you sound like a humorless buzzkill.

You say this like Besler isn't our top CB...

Lame. Hate on someone who DIDN'T win one, like all the active American men's players.

Eh there's ton of worthless shit on Kinja. By the way, switch to auction.

Still not buying it. That decision carries no stress and takes 5 seconds. Kickers are crap shoots and people who draft them early are clowns.

Or else you just grab one off waivers who does a perfectly serviceable job? What the hell?

This is all dead on. Thank you.

As have I. Clearly, you MUST go in with two PoLs (natch). Even then you can lose. I think the producers were just cheap and didn't want to be giving out whatever the grand prizes were.

Totally agree on the guards, they were TERRIFYING. It wasn't enough that they'd come out of nowhere and grab you, they had to have scary makeup too.

I'm guessing Tom Kelly = Ron Gardenhire?

I don't have a problem with Stern. His show is entertaining. But Baba Booey is so fucking played. It's sort of sad that you guys are still clinging to it.

Sounds like yet another online-only co-op game? Drives me crazy - let me play with my real life friends. PLEASE.

Come on. SNES games blatantly don't count when you're listing the Wii U games you enjoy. And a bunch of others are on PS3/360. You simply can't honestly claim that the Wii U has a strong library of games.

Emergencies only.

Uh, pee is sterile. You're more likely to get an infection from tap water.

Definitely seems like a nostalgia thing in that case, as I can re-play OOT over and over and over (I had it at launch, GOLD CARTRIDGE HELL YEAH) but Majora's Mask just didn't do it for me in the same way.

Don't even care about the topic at hand cause that last sentence majorly threw me. You're talking about a perfect videogame, one of the Zelda series, made for N64 - and it's MAJORA'S MASK? Ocarina for life.