
Obvious troll is obvious.


Riiiiight - he "slipped" in someone ELSE'S shit. I'm sure that's what he told all of you but sounds to me like he had a pretty hardcore accident.

This has happened to someone before? Cause it sounds really bizarre.

Salt water and sheer unimaginable size makes up for lack of chlorine.

Rechargeable batteries, yes. It's 2013. Just another reason not to buy it.

Seconded. The chips were DISGUSTING. Beyond gross.

Probably would've given yourself a better shot if you'd spelled PECOTA correctly.

PS4 controllers are rechargeable. Can't believe XBone is still using batteries.

Seriously. Every year, without fail, at least two or three songs end up as mainstream hits and you see a bunch of others in commercials. They nail it every time.

Surprisingly good control? Everything I've seen about the trade refers to his plus velocity and lack of control. If he had both I don't think he'd be a lower-level prospect.

I will never understand how people like Yeezus. I would've thought he satisfied your need to dislike an album cause god damn that album is atrocious. Oh well, music is subjective.

Ugh, spare me.

Took the words out of my mouth - the most obvious generational step-ups were in sports games (which played like CRAP for the first iteration). I played a lot of FIFA 07 on OGXBOX and then also on 360. 360 was much prettier, but like I said, the gameplay was terrible. Same for Madden. Hopefully that won't be the case

Holy run-on sentence.

Naw, more like your stunningly high levels of idiocy were too tempting for me to ignore, so I had to let you know how fucking stupid you are. Something I need to work on - I'm really not good at letting complete fucking morons be complete fucking morons. Can only hope for your sake it was a (successful) troll.

You're not cool and no one fucking cares about you. :)

Ahhhh, the famous "slippery slope", an argument frequently (idiotically) used against gay marriage. If your sperm donor forfeited his parental rights, I think you're just fine. Glad you're willing to screw over others in totally unrelated situations for your peace of mind, though.

Wow, never set foot, huh? You did see the part where you can choose to only use a donor who has waived his rights, correct?

Yeah this has made me reflect on the experience and I don't really know why I think so fondly of it. I think I liked the potential of it and the battle system was kind of interesting.