
Nooooo! I had an irrational love for this game, despite never getting CLOSE to beating it. I got myself more or less stuck at one boss where I couldn't backtrack and get my party stronger but also had zero chance of winning the fight. Yet still I somehow have fond memories of that game. Weird.

Yup, this is mine. Thank GOD I rented it from Blockbuster and didn't buy it. I remember being absolutely blown away by how bad it was. Just incredibly, shockingly bad.

Got all excited until I realized it's online co-op. Gimme some same screen co-op games! Portal 2 co-op remains one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

Sorry, I have to. BSB > N Sync. Forever and always.

Right, it isn't explicitly saying "This is what all men do." It's a stereotype - implying that MOST men fart in public, eat shitty food (Hot Pockets), have generally bad etiquette, etc. And I'd just caution everyone to obey the golden rule - if you don't like being stereotyped, don't do it to others.

Sure, I guess they're sort of funny, though some are either dated or just odd (Pearl Jam? Newsboy cap?). I just feel like if someone posted a similar list of common female stereotypes it would be treated quite differently around here. I'd just like to say my "Whatever" wasn't thrown in for no reason - I don't think

Awesome! I'm an MRA now. I'm totally not, but whatever floats your boat. I don't think what I said was that crazy.

Go ahead and roast me, but isn't this kind of sexist? I know it's mostly in jest, but I don't really see how stereotyping men helps the feminist cause. Whatever.

Now playing

Specifically "What's the significance? I DON'T KNOW!": (1:20ish)

Awesome, awesome Pee-Wee ref.

See? Just look at everyone rush to shout me down. "WE WANNA AWKWARDLY GAWK AT GIRLS AND THEN JERK OFF TO THE MENTAL IMAGES! LEAVE US ALONE!" You guys make me sad.

Not really. I'm not crying myself to sleep over this, I just think this is an alarming response everyone is having. You're not noticing a pattern here at Kotaku? This community is fucking sad. And you're one of em.

God damn what a tone deaf comment. Not even gonna bother.

Are you reading these comments? This is scary shit. You all sound creepy as fuck.

I think you all need to just turn off comments when you make posts like these. This community just isn't mature enough to handle it. Too many loser creeps desperate for a girl.

God you suck.

Your friends sound dumb :(

Shitty troll is shitty. Give it up already.

Holy shit you're making a huge mistake. Play it immediately.