I literally told someone only ice skaters, aerialists and some strippers should do that.
And that Cleveland killer too. And the guy from Texas.
Ignoring physical differences between XX and XY is intellectually and patently dishonest. Especially when a demonstration of physicality is the purpose of athletics.
Your race makes you Black. A genetic and ethnic descendant from African peoples. When you get that “talk white” shit, tell them you speak American English and keep it moving. Code switch into the speech of your parents if you want to fuck with ‘em.
This was a wholly Jordanian move. Arabs are anti-black, and classified as white. Don’t think it doesn’t go to their heads.
Marjorie’s crocodile placemat should be at the pawn shop by now.
Awesome!! Congrats to these ladies. I look forward to seeing them in leadership roles in the future.
This is why I couldn’t go into that line of work. All they care about is maintaining a staffed office by fattening their budget that arises from a high “kill” rate.
Ineffective assistance of counsel is the gutter.
Lady Heroin! You have to get up early to buy crocodile placemats.
Shit you not. A store in DC used to sell his line of suits. I was out one night and stopped and screamed when I saw it. I was hanging out with non-blacks, so they didn’t understand my horror.
I’ve never personally enjoyed the brand of comedy that goes “I’m loud and speaking with an exaggerated country accent, ergo I’m humorous.”
Please see my comment above on how to execute that.
Definitely Spencer.
What money?