burnthismuthadown needs a burner key hand tattoo

If she hadn’t had a history of pulling the trigger maybe someone would give her the benefit of the doubt.

That made me feel so better to read that.  I’ll be honest, I didn’t think he’d have it together.

That toddler Puma is adorable.


I thought that was another wildling.

So many underrated films.  He had a lot to give, and from the trajectory of his latter work, serious historically important subjects.

Peed Pisser is still on this Earth.

I can’t deal with that shoulder bump.

I would laugh if the lady at Spelman who tried to withold my diploma wasn’t the one who received the paperwork (while snacking on Funyuns) needed to provide it.

His bobbing and weaving + homie hug = my death.

Cauliflower is bomb when cooked Indian style.

They robbed me to pay Paul” had me shaking with laughter.

Also, you learn who not to fucking test. You don’t have to be hood to thrown down, as this assclown found out.

Odds are his parents thought they were giving him, “Lothario” because he’ll be such a ladies’ man.

I’ve seen it 2x.

I love Baby Boy reruns as much as the next person, but I’ve wondered for years why BET completely abandoned their daily news programming.

Shit, they’d earn my respect!

Nah.  The usual tough guy posers are too busy killing their own.

This was dragged in a copwatch type forum I’m in. I didn’t make it through the whole roll. It is chilling.