burnthismuthadown needs a burner key hand tattoo

I think these producers and agents feel as though these “amicable” and “easier” to deal with because they don’t have a “African-American” mindset are just happy to have a role without the input and AA actress or actor would.

LOL Basher.  Bless his heart.

Black ancestry.  I don’t claim Zoe and there are damn sure authentically Black Colombians.

This was a white.  

ALL OF THIS. They’re also pretending it was about Tevin only.

They don’t understand is that there is more than one “southern” accent.

NO. It has to do with ZOMG Black face with English accent.

Don’t play games.  

I DESPISE the cookout.

As for Tevin. One of the reasons why he doesn’t pop commensurate with his talent is the destruction of R&B from without and within, substitution of pop-singing whites for non mixed/non foreign talent and homophobia.

As someone who grew up an only as well. I’m going to disagree. Black kids - SOME OF THEM - tried it with me. White kids tried it alot more.

I really like how that tool took our legitimate offense to disrespect and blamed it on the colonizer.

Et tu Brutus?

Reductive and elides her history of doing that. Don’t misrepresent something you clearly can’t be bothered to understand.

I temped as a receptionistat an architectural firm.

Another oldie but goodie...Bernie Sanders is the Blacks’ best hope.

Red Sox and Pats fans.  Southie.

Except for domestic violence.

He has a voice which influences states where votes matter more. That stance is patently irresponsible at best, destructive at worst.

Always crying against a thunderstorm.