That “dah” FB that went viral must have gotten to her. She’s correct though. I don’t care about a yt girl who loved the maids in her life.
They aren’t hivemind...but are contemplating boycotting her matches. Hmmm.
She looks like the type to be trashed while in uniform. That’s what the cooling off period was for. For her to sober up.
Fuck em. Let newer umps come up. Fuck with Serena and I’m done watching.
I’m calling the police next time someone ponders whether so-and-so is invited to “the cookout”.
The video concept and execution is hilarious. That blunt took me out.
Hopefully there is a back of plan.
What makes you think they aren’t on the same side? The only ones who’d be remotely competent would be the FBI.
Break up the banks and they’ll go away!!
Do some digging.
Folks are coming for her neck. Keep digging on the info on her past. Chick is butt-fucking nuts.
Keep letting these imposters into the Black world and this is what you get.
I wish McCain had forcefully defended his daughter.
He was garbage in his debates with GWB. He couldn’t reduce complicated policy to a simple message (a necessary evil) and absolutely let Rove shit on his military service.
He’s Cuban, hence the Naziishness.
This is really sad.
And a classic gif source:
or fake-tittayed white women?
Came in just to say that.