burnthismuthadown wants Tokers Town feathers

Gulf Coast people know.

Counterpoint: So? Still gonna eat it.

Yeah that was perfect. I was already calling him the black Yosimite Sam because of his mustache, plus the fact that he’s 10 gallons of fucked up in a 5 gallon hat, but Michael came and took ALL the ‘respek’ off his name with that Sambo part.

The CPR is for the guns.

David Huckabee?

It’s actually worse than all that if you can believe it. CPR is the last thing you want to do to someone who is bleeding out. Chest compression will force more blood out of destroyed arteries and actually kill the patient faster than if you had done nothing at all.

Sorta reminded of Mitt Romney asking who let the dogs out.

This is dangerous. What if someone threw a hacky sack into the middle of the herd? Someone could be killed.

In short: Mr. Killer Mike, got owned by the NRA which, in many ways is what they really want for someone who looks like him.

You know what’s (almost) hilarious? I was reading late night news and he’d already backed up so fast he ran over that cat who’s always making noise in the yard after dark. I’m sure he sensed that Michael Harriot was coming for him and he’d have to take the “Killer” out of his moniker since Da Real

Thank you. People who are just “I’ll tolerate this; I’ll tolerate that, ‘cause I don’t wanna get up off my rhetorical butt and school my own artistic taste and find some other independent artists who’ve been regularly overlooked because these gasbags are taking up space.”

Nope. Sticking with my initial reaction of cackling and concluding that this dumbass “activist” called Killer Kill-all-logic Mike might actually an Opp plant.

When the next Black person/child gets shot and/or unjustifiabley killed, and the NRA specifically cites Killer Mike will that be your breaking point? This is a sincere question.

How does the man drop that name in the middle of an article and think we’ll be able to finish it? I had to take a break and come back since I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to read.

Never trust a man with mitties.

Yea.....I’m not going to feel bad for Mike.

Checking to see if their parents have deposited their trust fund in the correct account.


I can smell the patchouli and b.o. from here.

That seems like the grossest, smelliest, dankest conga line in history.