burnthismuthadown wants Tokers Town feathers

“Wells Fargo has a proud tradition of diversity and inclusion,” Wells Fargo spokesperson Tom Unger spokesman said in a statement to The Oregonian/OregonLive. “We are committed to treating all of our customers, team members and the diverse communities we serve with the utmost dignity and respect.”

At this point, I have no hope for change. Only the most offensive trolls get the banstick and although none of the former employees have said so, it’s got to be policy that the biggest shit-stirrers get uplifted out of the grey because it feeds clicks. I think even the Root has fallen prey to that. What makes it worse

The sad part is that I think this one is for real. You seem them on splinter and they are usually young white people who need to explain to us what’s going on.

I take it that’s TomatoFace’s 2000th burner account?

More like cocaine withdrawal.

You’re getting too transparent these days, might want to dial it back a bit to make it work.

And shoutout to Antifa for getting it done. They do a lot more than kick over mail boxes, but they don’t get much credit for it.

“Yeah, I also didn’t realize the Americas were the homeland of the whites. Must’ve missed that day in school.”

Congrats on that reach.

I’m convinced the wife is leaving him now because of the Mueller investigation. She doesn’t want any part of the consequences. It’s likely why she hired a criminal defense attorney to represent her in the divorce proceedings. That says to me that she’s worried about (1) what she can and cannot testify to pursuant to

“You can listen to the song below...”

Coccaine is a helluva drug.

Oh look it’s Brittany, petti by name, petty by nature.

So....anyone from Wells Fargo going back to review his work, maybe?

Can you even imagine someone being torn up about a breakup with that mutant, Dump Jr? It absolutely boggles the mind.

Objection overruled.

Show of hands who just KNEW he worked in Home Mortgage once you saw “Wells Fargo” in the header.

Not the most athletic guy, but I’ll tell ya - He. Works. Hard. Very coachable. Always in the film room. All-around great kid. The type of guy you’d love for your daughter to date.

I bet Mr. Goodman is “I hate the NBA” guy but loves him some Larry Bird.