
Anita is my favourite one! Raquel is also amazing. They have so many delicious reds too... so far I’ve just got Jeanne but I think I’m going to check out a couple more for fall/winter.

Those Audacious lipsticks are DEADLY. I recently bought my 14th. Haven’t tried the Rouge G’s...I’m afraid to.

I used to have a job where I cleaned offices. The top guy (I forget what his title was) would wink at me EVERY time I cleaned his office, or if I saw him around the building....but only if there was no one else around.

I love Kim Fields, but I watched the first season of this show and hated myself afterwards. Can’t they just bring Living Single back?

Well yeah... on that guy. That guy would look good with anything on his head.

Same with Toronto...like, its not hideous, but beautiful? Um, no.

Now I get why Richard Gere is Buddhist.


Mary Mitchell is a fucking asshole. A fucking asshole who is very very wrong.

I’ve been sexually harassed by many, many cabbies over the years. Usually it’s harmless but still gross and unwanted, especially seeing as I’m paying for a service. My sister was harassed by a guy driving a cab from a big cab company, but he wasn’t the guy licensed to be driving it, it was his brother or something.

I thought he was referring to her plastic surgery, although it’s still a gross thing to say, and pretty rich coming from someone with his mug. Not unexpected though.

Yeah my first thought was... are they fucking?

That’s fucked up

It’s like saying ‘what’s up’, there is no deep significant meaning to it. It didn’t bother me before but now that I am reading it in damn near every article and half the comments it’s starting to grate. Thanks Nicki!

There totally could have been two separate articles.

Gangs. Always happens in Toronto during Caribana too, which sucks because Caribana is awesome fun and a great thing for the city. This year gangs had a shootout after Drake’s after party, one of those killed was a targeted gang member but an innocent woman was also caught in the crossfire and died.

To be fair...In Living Color was genius, but it’s all been downhill since then.

I’m happy to see fake monkeys for people to buy, because those people who buy real monkeys and treat them as babies are the WORST

Can’t it be some of both though? The reason they maybe don’t want to fuck Serena first (although I know MANY guys, mostly white guys, who do) is rooted in racist beauty standards?

Serena isn’t built like a dude either, fwiw.