What kind of dudes do you know with her breasts and ass/hips? Her body is feminine as fuck, even if its muscular. She actually has a round curvy ass, unlike the straight flat boyish model figure.
What kind of dudes do you know with her breasts and ass/hips? Her body is feminine as fuck, even if its muscular. She actually has a round curvy ass, unlike the straight flat boyish model figure.
I’m still confused as to why Demi Lovato is famous. What does she sing? What does she do? I’m not trying to insult her fans...I just don’t understand. Is it because she went to rehab?
I love Amber & Annie, but I would say Annie is the more butch of the two :)
I can’t not love her.
I just posted (before reading the comments) that it looks like 90’s Madonna and 80’s Cher had a baby. When I saw the ass I thought of that Bob Mackie number but there is definitely a lot of Blonde Ambition going on there. And some other stuff.
It’s like 80’s Cher and 90’s Madonna had a baby!
#10 is pretty good!
And we’ll make you pay for it!
Yeah I started reading thinking it must be about Adam Ware’s dad.
Canada too...considering that the few gun murders we have are usually committed using guns that are smuggled across our massive border.
I was so glad to see Mr. Parker not waste any time in getting to the root of this issue in the immediate aftermath of his daughter’s horrific murder. Watching him speak on this, so soon after the tragedy was awe inspiring. I sincerely hope that he is able to get through to some people, but I realize it isn’t likely.…
I’ve seen a dog have neon orange poop that had eaten a lot of sweet potato. Maybe he had a lot of sweet potato?
I thought the joke was that she was being wasteful and environmentally irrresponsible in a car designed to be environmentally friendly. I may be wrong.
The car being a Prius is kind of integral to the joke though.
But Rupaul is like a billion times prettier than Wendy. And also a billion times smarter & funnier.
ConDRAGulations! (I watch too much Rupaul’s drag race. As if that’s possible)
Seriously though... if they’re going to do it, do it properly. I would choose firing squad personally. But guillotine sounds good too. Certainly a hell of a lot better than “chemical torture” or the chair.
Wow. Colour me impressed Mississippi. I mean Judge Wingate (and yes, probably a few Mississippians)
When I was in high school twenty or so years ago I was in a sociology class which included a brash outspoken jock type guy who was fairly homophobic, as was normal at the time (not completely tolerated at my HS but more acceptable than it is now). We had one big assignment in that class that was worth a large…