
This is why its so important to engage with people and not immediately dismiss someone as soon as they say something you don’t like. A lot of commenters here love to say how “its not their job” to educate people, as if they were born with innate knowledge about everything, and weren’t taught anything by others.

Whether you believe my experiences to be true has no relevance, but these things happened mostly in Canada, and also the Caribbean. And not all the men were descendants of slaves, some were African men. Just because you were wondering. Thinking back on it, at least one of these incidents was perpetrated by a Canadian

I’m in my midthirties, white and could say the exact same thing about black men as you do about white women. No other group of people has touched my hair and body, in public and without my permission, much to my discomfort as well. I don’t blame black men though because I realize they are not a monolith and that this

I agree, I think it’s one of those things that in some circumstances has a racial/exoticism component, but certainly not in every case.

Not that I disagree with your point but one of the three women he beat up is white.

I’ve had my (long & straight) hair touched and caressed without permission, and not by children. Some of these people were black. I don’t think it’s automatically racist as much as it’s just highly inappropriate for anyone to do.

‘Why’ is the question to a lot of things written on this site lately.

I’ve never heard Ed’s music (that I’m aware of) but this weird obsession Jezebel has with antagonizing him on Twitter does make me slightly curious. Regardless of his musical abilities his replies make him seem like a decent human being , though these are the only tweets I’ve read of his.

I don’t think she looks terrible, or overly needled in the face. The little Jenner girl’s transformation is way more disturbing.

What an astounding douche. Getting dizzy because he SMELLS it? In an open air tennis court?!

Yeah, its really not that amazing...I mean its great that transgender people are being more accepted and in the spotlight, but they only seem to be truly embraced by media/society if they are conventionally attractive or hot/fuckable. I would expect to see more trans models (larger likelihood of being tall/skinny)far

“... the way... she sucks isn’t even interesting”

ALGERNON! God do I miss him

Research?that’s an after thought around here... only to be done after people call you out on your shit

Shade Court.... always disappointing. The concept is there... and should be funny, but never is. I understand humour is subjective but c’mon.

The fact that jokes are supposed to be funny has certainly been lost on this website. It used to have a nice mix of humour and snark. Now it’s just bitchiness and misdirected outrage, with no funny. :/

I don’t understand why people are so crazy about other people splitting bills. I don’t usually drink alcohol with my dinner, if I do it is one or two drinks at the most. The friends I usually dine out with include one gent who typically orders 1-2 bottles of $50-$70 wine. Why should I pay for that? Why would anyone

I hear ya...I have Ipsy and while some of it is ok it hasn’t really introduced me to any new amazing brands, although I’ve got some samples of brands I already like and I don’t mind that. I’m just wondering how much this is going to cost if/when it comes to Canada, Ipsy is already close to $2o CDN :(

These motherfuckers are trying to make me broke.

Yeah I thought that was weird too, I was a fat (pretty, but fat) girl growing up in a small-ish city and guys were trying to fuck me since I was 10-12. Doesn’t that happen to most girls, everywhere?