
WELL. PUT. and thank you for it.

yeah... I love Bobby’s reviews/takes, but this one came in hot.

sry wrong euphemism — they legit just keep repeating the cycle, she poisons him, he voms to the brink of death, they cuddle, repeat.

nah they go on bad mushroomin’ into the sunset together

omg this totally explains her thinking Darren is a genius


yah I supes love burgers and bubbs

hi! fellow grossed-out / prob more towards ‘conflicted’ lady here—

what is she lying about re: academic background?

Respecting someone means seeing them as they are, and loving them forward. Respect is not lying about and excusing regressive behaviour.

they’re friends?

I love this comment. Also, I believe you mean Gen Z. Gen X are the “Reality Bites” generation who get off on giving me grief about my new-age gemstones during work lunches (personal gripe) and how much better their music was (true). Fun fact:

I just really want to know why so many British men are dead set on proving:

thanks for writing this. i’m having a really hard time being kind to myself rn.

it me.

Agreed. I like Carrie enough, but I’m tired of her, “wow I grew confidence” angle... it sounds more like she grew cockiness. Prob poor edit, but the only cheftestents I want to hang with are Flamm & Fati

I like this premise? I think it’s coming from a real place from her (vs. Snatched) and—imho—it’s not boring to look straight at a concern a majority (?) of women deal with on the daily.

I just wish the haters wouldn’t vote.

this is a great classification of roles in the industry! ty

THANK YOU. i’ve had this question forever