
yah but also: be a better actor, you know?

THANK YOU. Our job has a shared dining space (small) and we all have to sit together at the same break time (cramped) and I do not want to talk to any of them during (is this too much to ask?). The small talk is all... too small or too invasive and it feels like adult camp-jail.

um, hello, Canadian here: *Hell hath no fury like a Canadian slightly inconvenienced.

yah the problem is still hating on grown women who “didn’t get loved enough as a child”

omg thank you this (sincerely) cleared things up

people who were successful at a young age are never reliable for good advice

I enjoy Pink very, very much. But I also can’t help but feel her career is what would happen should a Hot Topic come to life and pursue pop.


isn’t hate speech a hate crime?

if he was incarcerated in LA for murder—why the fuck was he free to do this?

i don’t think war works that way? and that we didn’t get involved to fight ‘evil’ in WWII until we were personally attacked? and that it’s human nature not to give a fuck unless it’s affecting/about to affect you and your loved ones? despite our best efforts at empathy?

i’m with you but am unfamiliar with 90s Joe Biden—I thought Biden gets good women cred with DOMA? sorry I could prob Google this but kinja

she’s also the only one who can act

i don’t understand this but like the vibe

i picked up a great New Balance bra on sale here in Canada — the strap are velcro’d in so *lightbulb* you can adjust / account for its inevitable slack over time. i’m 36C+ing and it gives me life. this is close to the style i have:

and so baldly. she’s throwing it in our face they have a movie deal. she dngaf.

so what? at that point. you’re not trying to sleep with the wife. jfc why can’t people help people stay in good health, fuck vanity?

i’m 1000% sure Jane Marie wrote this to herself

yeah but at least you dread your hours AND can put away some fuck you money. just leave your job, take the year off, whatever. it’s not like Less $ Jobs = More Satisfaction.

jesus christ can someone throw me some money? i’ve never made 40k a year and am swimming in a debt hole that’s double your pay cut and then some—all of it to go to school to maybe make money. #ouroboros