
lol sure b/c that’s how life works

um can we chill? bc omg these socks are not denying abortions to anyone

this is maybe great! i’ve already thought about this too much!

omg u just described L.A.

but u live longer if u eat less

did anyone watch The Incredible Jessica James? it’s not her fault, but the writing was so bad I had to bore-quit about 1/2 hour in

cuz he’s gay for Louis?

journalists don’t have to believe anything, they just need to present all the facts so we can make up our own minds; Anna did that here.

part of the problem in the comments is that people declare things with certainty (and disdain for the OG post) and then that ‘information’ sounds the Truthiest, because it:

you’re speaking rare, logistic woman words here!

i’m surprised it’s a male writer/director

hm. so why u here mate?

but... is she excited about Friday? is she looking forward to the weekend?

this is the weirdest humble brag i’ve ever heard

like, why write and make the movie, bud?

here’s the reminder that everyone forgets because it’s been a while: making new friends is bumpy and may take a while. THERE WILL BE SEMI-PRECIOUS FRIENDSHIPS YOU WILL DROP. that’s fine, okay, and healthy. don’t give yourself the task to fulfill your social life 100% within a month, a year, or a presidency. it’s hard

This is great, Julianne, and much needed! I get summer-ish depression/existential based on the premise you beautifully outline:

Curious: Why tire of strained relationships with mothers? I don’t know, I feel we’ve been given a century plus of strained father/son narratives. Signed, An Insecure Writer


I thought she was gonna shake things off?