
i like this theory but can anyone act that well anymore?

nah boo “u can be rite or u can b loved” is room-speak, pick a room, any room: AA, Al Anon, CoDA, etc

John Meyer was a while ago, we talkin’ bout Bloom

so, like, are you more or less optimistic about the world now?

This is a gorgeous review and is empowering for the sort of comedy I do, which I need encouragement for. Difficult to feel there is value in stasis. Thank you for this care of the book’s work.

yah they’re totes gonna eff up Katy’s office job work

i need to give you stars for reasonably and with patience not giving up on your point of view and without devolving into hatefire/insults. #GoodKinja

a billion

ty for this. it bothered me too, esp as it was at a pop concert. i bet all performers feel bad / on high alert rn. they’re silly entertainers, not monsters.

well said and a good reminder. fuck being so into branding.

Opposite love/hate of the romp: 6'1" lady. Perma-camel toe + wedgie affair with any of my easy, breezy singlets.

amen to ‘always the asshole when someone else tells their life story’

this is the dumbest thing i’ve ever seen #TeamAmy

denial keeps you rich.

oh yah i’m 30 now and i don’t remember my first wake ups during hangover morn where i hydrate and first pee and take advil... (so responsible, first wake up self)

bless + keep you. can we be friends? #ladycomic

ty i did not, did not get the blind hype

yeah deep cut: that scene where Big comes over to Carrie’s place for the first time, and she apologizes for the state of its affairs (even tho she’s been tweaking the whole ep about him never coming over)—and she says, “Oh no, it’s a mess—the floors need refinishing...”

they were stolen!! that one was a tough call b/c the hostess was being a bitch about it -Signed, A Broke Person

lol yes i love that we all desperately need to keep processing SATC, any excuse