In any event, Joseph Fiennes lacks gravitas, which Ralph has in spades.
In any event, Joseph Fiennes lacks gravitas, which Ralph has in spades.
i think u just have to be a flight attendant or something..
that’s right, treadmills save lives everyday
yeah genetics and fate usually have an easy equation like that, seems right
it’s a creative way to justify prison
also can the general public educate themselves abt entertainment enough to know *actresses* don’t choose their: 1. costumes 2. scripts 3. jobs, often
hey hi! <—survivor of depression here — 2 psychiatrists, 3 worthwhile therapists, 2 not so much therapists, 1 hospital visit, 2 diff police visits, at least 8 diff pills, 2 that stuck, 3 1/2 years on pills, officially 2 years off pills come New Year’s Day.
yeah this is a *not proud* moment — but i felt sympathy for Billie via thinking, ‘omg this is like Rory losing Lorelai and Emily in 2 days over Xmas’ vs. having a lot of empathetic resources to draw upon (my gma was a nightmare). i hope there’s small comfort in the entire female universe mourning your mum and gmum’s…
Thanks for interweaving depression. I find addiction/psycho emotional problems are deeply knit together — and any person who has a, “y don’t u just stop it?” attitude isn’t anyone I want to have a deep conversation with anyhow.
that. still blows me away.
This is a great tribute. Thanks for saying she is a genius. I don’t hear that word applied much to women, and many a man has gained that status for doing far less than Ms. Fisher. Her vibrancy is making denial of her passing too easy. Even via youtube clips, she feels present in the room. What a heroic life.
but Hamilton was huge! /s
hear, hear!
that red cape in the linked painting is ominous
I heard there was 1 victim.
I got caught on his weird arrogance about the ‘misuse’ of the word sovereign. His tone indicated she is a WRITER who MISUSED a word and she is PATHETIC for not KNOWING BETTER.
“journalist”? applied to Tucker?
right??? in 2003??? she is stronger than this country, gd, amen