Rigid adherence to ideology is not "intelligence".

...to reprogram men to stop thinking they have a right to women’s bodies.

Thank you for letting me be in your life all these years, and thank you for changing mine.

No. It’s only a crime if investigators come to you and ask you about it and you then lie about it. There’s no legal duty for most people to report crimes (mandatory reporters notwithstanding).

I’m pretty sure abstinence advocates are advocating that you refrain from having sex until you’re with a partner with whom and in a situation in which you’d be comfortable having a child.

I find the notion that people have to be drunk to be entertaining deeply saddening.


False claims of domestic abuse during divorce proceedings are pretty common. It’s not about cementing the divorce, it’s about establishing the best possible image with the court to tip the settlement in your favor.

You are correct...calling out hatred isn’t, in and of itself, hatred, unless you do it when you’re filled with hatred, or to give yourself some kind of twisted sense of self-righteousness.

That’s some pretty intense binary thinking, and that’s part of the problem. Everyone demands that everyone else march in lockstep with them and if not, then they must be part of the “other side”. There can be wild diversity of opinion across issues internal to one party.

What are you talking about “your party?” I’ve been registered as an Independent my entire life.

Do you really want to do this? Spoiler alert; Its not going to be fun for you.

Do what?

Fascinating. Your opinion is fact because you say so? Oh, and then categorize anyone who disagrees with you as stupid for not believing in facts when the “facts” that you espouse are merely your opinions.

This attitude perfectly demonstrates the real divide in the USA. “If you don’t share my political beliefs, then you’re sub-human scum”

Did you ever wonder about shows like Gossip Girl or 90210? Women in their early to mid-twenties are playing teenagers and engaging in all manner of sexual relationships. What effect does that have on people watching? Does it confuse people? Is a man watching the show confused and ashamed because he’s sexually

It could simply be that people have a complete difference of opinion on the morality of certain behaviors and that few people on either side are actually “bad” or “evil”. Just a thought.

So if white women don’t just STFU when they’re being denigrated by non-white women, they aren’t “showing respect”? Listening is great. Everyone of all races wants their voice to be heard.

How does forcing people into separate spaces by race or gender or anything that they have no control over serve to create cohesion? It seems like it would simply create more division.

Do you honestly believe this statement, or is it just an expression of your frustration?