
Especially after the whole Shady McCoy / cutting all the black people thing he did in Philly. Now that just looks like he hated Philadelphia.

God damn it. Everything about Chip Kelly was awesome in that line of questioning. I guess I’ll like him for a bit. Sigh

Their fundamental disagreement appears to be whether Kaepernick has freedom of speech, or whether he should literally not answer questions. Basically, the black man should just shut up unless it’s about football. Am i hearing this correctly? And that’s a member of the press, right?

This gave me a reason to like Chip Kelly.

So what you’re saying is that one shouldn’t list one’s Deadspin comment history in bullet form and submit it as one’s essay?

For some kids on the margin, the essay might make a difference, but it’s one of the the most subjective parts of the application process. If you got into all 8 ivies, you probably have stellar grades, test scores, and resume items (awards, etc). I doubt the essay was the difference for him.

Tomorrow’s Kinja Gold Box deals are as follows...

The horror! An adult drank a beer in front of the childr-...er, in front of...

But given the 512 GB version cost $800..

Just don’t crash it on a chainlinked fence at full speed

This has nothing to do with Hillary, but to extend your analogy. Hillary = Apple: More of The Same. Trump = Note 7: New Look, Explosion and We All Die in a Fire. It burns! It burns!

Diner: “Can I have the double bacon cheeseburger, fries, beer and the injured player walk-through special please.”

Waiter: “Would you like the special teams player injury or can I interest you in upgrading to a starter?”

I guess Peterson just wanted to switch things up.

“Area under the curve, baby!”

^you’ve gotta be an engineer.

Actually, there is a good reason why we never saw the new ships in Rogue One - all those ships were made for situation that didn’t come up in the OT. We never saw the AT-CT because it was made specifically to transport construction material. The new Tie are made to patrol above Imperial ground-based military

They all have a little lid that closes down on them.

“Out of respect for you, we’re going to do something you hate and asked us to stop repeatedly. You’re welcome!”

TBH, probably 75% of the world has cracked an iphone. I dropped mine a few weeks ago.