
green is the 2nd line from the top. Order is (from top to bottom): blue, green, yellow, red

Brian Kelly also allowed this to happen:

are you trolling, or do you not realize that Bradley is already in the MLS? 

came here for a Cybiko mention, was not disappointed.  My brother and I both had one, so it kept us plenty entertained around the house, plus if I remember correctly you could play two player games against each other wirelessly.

right, which is why I laugh when people get so hung up on the fact that they are getting served 480p instead of 720p, when in fact they should be yelling about the throttled bitrate 

people often overlook the fact that it’s not just the resolution that makes something look better than another.  720p at an extremely low bitrate is going to look worse than 480p at that same bitrate.  Sub-1.5mbps bitrates on fast moving content will look better at 480p than 720p

you clearly haven’t been here long

this deserves more stars

XC40 owner here:

Tesla M3 LR

as someone who follows Villanova Basketball, my best memory of Dante is him getting arrested for having a loaded BB gun in his car

was in a local target the other day, saw about half a dozen of each behind glass.  Crazy that they are so readily available now.  

was in a local target the other day, saw about half a dozen of each behind glass.  Crazy that they are so readily

among many other things...cable length maximums. But that is really just one of many reasons.

I think you meant to say “Villanova”

they are still saying late 2018 for the base model, where did you see summer ‘19?

I studied abroad in Rome and interned in the Office of the Internet at the Vatican, so I have lots of Rome suggestions. I’ll post a couple here, but since I could write a book on it (I actually wrote a blog post a day while over there, happy to provide a link if anyone is actually interested) if you have any more

The ITF (International Tennis Federation) says that official balls are either White or YELLOW:

Check out JD Durkin’s thread of trump dating stock photos:

What you described is what I went through during the 2016 NCAA Basketball National Championship as a Nova Alum. I could watch that play 5 times a day every day for the rest of my life and it will still put a smile on my face.