
nobody graduates with just one concentration anymore. Make CS one of the majors, then add a double major or a couple minors.

*Clicks on article*

Watchespn is a different feed than the broadcast feed that goes out over air

At this point, the Swiss guards really guard Vatican City, and the Vatican police have taken over protecting the pope outside the Vatican walls.

last year the final four was the saturday/monday around Easter. Calipari lost Saturday night, and the next morning in Indy I saw him at Sunday Easter mass. The guy is definitely a big time catholic.

also inform viewership and do prop up pilot episodes, though in a different way.

Not me, but a friend, and a damn good story.

soooo, when did we go back to October of 2013?

how much do you hate kinja?

windows 10 works on pi

as long as you do this stuff on your phone, you are good. People are spoofing their connection using tethering to tether computers/networks to use unlimited

did you not google the name to at least make sure you had the right one? Lance Luchnick not Lesnick

Billy Joel has only played half a million shows there, no big deal

Is it just me, or does brady look a little deflated?

so many replies...over so many heads

Probably referencing Leroi Moore, the late sax player for dmb, that song is about him

He looks confused because the money is normally passed *under* the table

wait, why did fatwallet make this infographic?

Hope they are going after Verizon as well for this practice. I'm one of the few with unlimited left, and after about 2gb they start throttling the crap out of me

wait, they just allow you to keep submitting the same ballot over and over by just filling in a captcha?