
…we’ll just use Windows or Linux or any other x86 OS of OUR CHOICE

Keeping your list of installed applications to a minimum is crucial to running a lean (and speedy) system.

Counterpoint: It’s really quite ugly.

Why is it so damned big?

And this begs the question:

Food and rent.

Food and rent.

Trump not having COVID-19 proves there’s no kismet.

Ortiz Ventresca White Tuna Belly

If your further read the spec sheet, it has amazing deceleration too.

And agreed, the only real difference so far between this and seasonal flu is that there isn’t a vaccine for this new one yet.

Okay, here’s more logic for you. Currently, if you come into contact with nCoV you have an 18% chance of being dead, critically ill or seriously ill. Compare that to the less than 2% chance of being hospitalized in the US from flu.

Translation: “The flu kills lots of people. So don’t worry about this other different disease that kills people too.”

Nope, nope & nope.

I did this with Volvo.

Fuck this school district.

Why can’t we just have the F-22 back?

I can see the appeal of this form factor.

I’m in disbelief that so many people can willfully ignore that Kobe is a rapist.

“offensive packaging

Yeah, the stock price is pretty insane.