
I have long been of the opinion that Schumacher effectively died a long time ago, but just has enough life signs left that his wife is refusing to accept it and has the money and facilities to refuse to accept it and cling to the rapidly dwindling hope that he will come out of it.

It’s so sad when CTE causes players this young to get confused and make mistakes that land them in situations like this. He actually meant to assault his wife.

3. The victim has a police record!

And what happened to the idea that if you’re going to be a police officer, you’re going to be putting your life on the line to serve the public? That means you sometimes have to take a risk and not fucking shoot someone just because they might pose a threat.

And, of course, carrying a licensed gun is totally legal under THE ALMIGHTY SECOND AMENDMENT which it appears all the same racist idiots are so protective of.

Apparently we here in the US have the world's most skittish cops, who are frightened of every twitch and shadow that they see. Here's an idea: if you are constantly afraid for your life, maybe being a cop isn't for you. Maybe you should try something a little more low key, like being a meter minder; empty cars rarely

What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen: