
And yet somehow you, Rudy, the Kraken, Donnie Boy, #CreepyTucker and all the Q-dorks can’t seem to find a single actual example of voter fraud by Democrats other than the preachings from your Q-god on YouTube (live & direct from his mom’s basement).

Oh my fucking God, burn this motherfucker alive. Anything short of that isn’t sending the right fucking message.

Cheating on your husband is not “polyamory” it’s just being a a straight up cunt. I wonder, if the roles between Jada and Will had been reversed, do you think he’d be able to flaunt it online for all the world to see, to the celebration of “woke” blog websites across the net?

When she got to the house, Perkins says her daughter had marks on her face and was missing some hair.

I’ve got questions.

The mental gymnastics in defending a person lunging with a knife inches from a victim is pretty alarming. 

you and KD are both assholes

Durat didn’t apologise for his language, he apologised for it being made public. This is no different than “I’m sorry you were offended” and I honestly have difficulty deciding which is worse.

“The Texans are intentionally tanking their players’ value and also possibly getting him banned from the league”

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.

Ex-junkie here-19 years sober. I’ll say the same thing here that I said on the NYT review of his book: this guy is most likely a junky and doesn’t know it, and the really sad part is that he’s getting paid to be a junky researcher and book-writer, which means he is going to keep doing drugs until it kills him. I don’t

70% of heroin and meth users are not addicts and only use those drugs recreationally with no negative impact on their lives?  Uh.  I’m gonna call 100% bullshit on this one.  

Because Fuck Baylor.

Kris and OJ? 

Does Paris pay you hourly, or do you get a salary?

I mean, it kinda seems like you want to be the guy doubting women here. It would’ve taken you 0 energy not to type anything. Let alone twice.

Why he is probably innocent:

Two people that I both think are awful people, albeit in different ways. Candace is a bullshit artist that is willing to stab all of us in the back in order to get that sweet, sweet Fox News/ONN “One Black Friend” money. What’s funny is that she can’t even pull it off, because unlike black “Conservatives” like Thomas

I am no prudue. In fact, they should legalize prostitution and open whorehouse so incel like the guy that just shot up those Asian massage parlors can get laid. However, this kind of degenerate shit like grinding your pussies together should not be on public TV. You have actual little girls and boys wanting to group

It would be nice if Jezebel stopped linking to those same tabloids in Dirt Bag all the time.