
Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.

If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out. 

You mean Kobeanalrapist?

The Yankees are always hateable. Into eternity.

All of this sounds like it’s going to be really easy to ignore. We all know that ESPN is run by cowardly morons, but is anyone really interested in getting more Jemele Hill? Honestly I think the scripted show might be the best product to come out of this if they get some good comedy writers to help her out.

You’re being anal and trying too hard to force it on us, Giri.

Well, sometimes you just freeze.  Like (just for an example) when you’re trapped in a hotel room in Eagle, Colorado, terrified for your life.

“The best play of the game came on that 3rd and 5, with 3:13 left on the clock and the Chargers not yet in Broncos territory.”

That’s disgusting. I just go to the source and suck on the pupil.

Yeah, but I’m not taking hygiene advise from anyone named Randy.

I just wonder if this injury would have occurred if Earl Thomas had actually been practicing, his increased overall conditioning and speed might have helped him in this particular situation?! The Seahawks are paying Thomas HIS agreed to original contract and even not fining him what they could and maybe should be for

If only the players had a union.

The words of a lunatic and would be murderer.  Nice.

If I had to bet based on the evidence who the sociopath is in this relationship, it sure wouldn’t be him.

Possibly, but she appears to have multiple STDs based on her posts.

I don’t know who this teacher is that cares so much. Half the time I’m doing attendance and not paying attention during the pledge!

Thanks for the ban just because I disagree with you. You’ve really grown.

I would argue that you never stopped being casually cruel.  You just changed your targets to those acceptable to the people you currently associate with.

OMG so brave.  hank you for your service

Pretty soon I imagine the Deadspin staff will all ascend into the sky as gods, and take their rightful place on top of of humanity. You guys (and girls!) are as close to a modern day jesus as there is.