
Idk, after they changed the beef earlier this year it just tastes awful to me. The patties are also always medium.

Davos is the Steel Serpent though?

Or just use Swift Key because its the best.


Racists are bad, m’kay. Don’t be a racist.

Well you see son, that’s because you’re a racist.

bruh Beloit and like the whole Kenosha area are black

I am not disagreeing with the guy, I am just saying that if you go into it with the exact same mentality as them you are at a disadvantage. You can go down fighting, but you still go down.

It’s the old-fashioned “brotherhood” way of thinking. They don’t care if there are bad apples, those are their comrades in uniform and they will defend them to the end. It’s an ugly us-vs-them mentality that needs to die out. Sadly it is still very strong in the blue-collar world.

Oh I totally agree with you, it’s not smart. But if a non-cop goes into the interaction with the attitude of “I’m not exactly waiting to see if this is a ‘civil’ encounter or a ‘time to meet my maker’ encounter” they are at a disadvantage.

No offense but I guarantee you that is what these cops are thinking when they roll up on you: you’re no different than the next cop killer, regardless of anything. Difference is the institution gives them a legal advantage and not you.

Fish Armiger has got to be one of the laziest yet hilarious mods ever.

Boring plain old videogames!

Twitch streamers are basically clowns.

The author changed the original title of the article (for better clicks?) - it was originally titled “Stop BCCing Your Friends On Emails”.

Wait why are there Taken still?

Unfortunately, based on accounts of visits to extended family in the country, I can confirm that trash burning is a very real thing.

Aimee is just trying to stay afloat on this sinking ship.

Why do they do that little sword flip before sheathing?

You’d be surprised what Google turns up. I also think Ethan and friends knew this would be prime clickbait. Sad!