
APPLE JACKS +1. Are these still around?

I’m a little surprised no one took any Cap’n Crunch variant. My personal favorite (in fact, the only one in my book) is Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch. As any good cereal should be, it’s good dry or with milk, and it makes an especially tasty snack if you put chocolate milk on it.

Invented in Hastings, Nebraska, and proudly celebrated every year:

Then you would really be upset by the “science” being done by some imgur users.

What does it take to be a a real “scientist”? A PhD? Published research? Or is natural curiosity and a testing method good enough? Maybe the problem is “food scientist” has a somewhat subjective set of hypotheses (e.g. the BEST method for

Toasting you with an ice cold Coors Light

Ok. But make ALL reviews a max of one minute viewing live-speed footage. Call stands if they can’t see any reason to overturn.

Did a double-take because I thought headline said “excrement”. Could’ve gone either way.

On a related note, you can sprinkle salt on food, but not drizzle it. You can drizzle oil, but you wouldn’t normally sprinkle it. Again, it seems “sprinkle” is used for distinct pieces of something, whereas “drizzle” is somewhat continuous, albeit light.

On an unrelated note, is anyone else imagining Snoop Dogg saying

This. Sprinkling implies drops. Drizzling is just heavy misting. It’s like the third base of precipitation. Sprinkling is just the tip. Anyone care to take this metaphor further?

Guessing they’re NOT using the “chocolate frosting” emoji, as my 5-year-old called it before her older siblings ruined that little piece of innocence.

Wouldn’t the third trick work with the stove-top method as well? Couldn’t I cook until browned, and then either remove from heat or pour into bowl to let cool appropriately?

I mean, they did say “ALL the moms”, with “ALL” in all caps... which kind of implies moms of things other than pancakes... so seems like they got all the bases covered?

The thing about finely diced onions, though, is that they can kind of coalesce with the ketchup, mustard, sublimely melted cheese, etc. into a tasteful un-sauce. (I meant to make that sound good. I am not a professional writer.) The onions maybe even help hold those other liquidy toppings in place so you don’t glop

You mean in prison for meth, and received a strongly worded letter (encouraging her to join law enforcement) for shooting a black man.


YYEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS. I somehow missed the memo the memo on salting the rim. That will be rectified as soon as I get home from work tonight. And bitters! Why not!

it’s the internet - of course i’m going to make baseless accusations against people i’ve never met!

i’ll make my point another way. i grew up on a farm, and my first taste of beer was (thankfully very cold) old milwaukee light. obviously some people like this stuff, because it still sells. i do not like it. however,

y’all need to do some actual outdoor physical labor sometime, and then drink an ice-cold coors light, and tell me that’s it’s not *just fine*. after mowing the lawn when it’s 96 degrees outside, given the choice between a sugary bud light, an aluminum tasting miller light, or a plain (c)old can of coors light... i’ll

I thought that was yesterday’s article.

Flo is not the worst right now. These commercials are the worst.

Charles Barkley: Says or does something stupid, usually involving a really bad pun.
One or both of the other guys: WUT???
Charles Barkley: More stupid and/or pun.
Other guys: Terrible, forced, cringey fake laugh.

Worse than Flo. Worse than weird play-by-play