
We just got Super Smash Bros Wii U and my kids (7, 6, and 4) LOVE playing it. And of course, I love playing with them, mostly because it’s just a fun game, but also because I get to see (and sometimes cause) the kids’ reactions to the huge hits and crazy stuff. The laughs when the puppy started licking the screen were

Couldn’t even finish reading the sentence before commenting, could you.

Target has BOGO on a (the?) few really good Wii U games.

Target has BOGO on a (the?) few really good Wii U games.

Gaming? All of the words in this headline...

My thumbs turned bronze.

I also like a 2:1:1 ratio. And if you happen to have a slightly smoky scotch (emphasis on slightly), it substitutes very well, and probably takes on some fancy new name.

You are correct. Ohio State should’ve been left out last year.

At Target: buy Mario+Rabbids, get another Switch game 50% off.

At Target: buy Mario+Rabbids, get another Switch game 50% off.

I can’t tell if you’re one of the 99, or the one pedantic guy. But since it’s the internet, either way you’re wrong and I’m right.

COTD, nay, COTY!

What? Why would you ever do it that way?!? You want to be able to fold the sheet back and have the crease run WITH the staple. If you point it towards the middle, that paperclip will poke right through the crease! That’s bad! At 45 degrees, with the crease, you can very neatly fold the sheet over and behind, and the

All my available stars for Pequods.

Any recommendation on storage and shelf life of said fried herbs? I’d assume refrigerate and use within weeks, not months...

So... that blurb alone could also be interpreted as “Hey, our preparation and response to Katrina was so bad that thousands of people died. I mean, 3/5 of thousands, but still probably thousands. Good job Puerto Rico, you actually seem to care about people before, during, and wow, even AFTER a catastrophe!”

Ctrl+H is what you’re looking for.

I’ve heard there’s a phenomenal pizza place in the Atlanta airport, but I can’t remember the name and I’ve never been there.

Golf has carry over from one DAY to the next... until the last person signs their scorecard, and then it’s locked down. Sometimes carry over is stupid. Like in golf and baseball.

This is basically my argument when people say they don’t like soccer because there’s too much flopping.

I call this the Paul Pierce move, and if I weren’t lazy I’d find some youtube or something to back that up.

Cut the guy some slacks (not sorry). He tipped 16.7% - all you lifehackers should know you don’t tip on tax! What, you expect the guy to be nice or something?