
I've had a shitty, shitty week. One of my kitties died and another went missing and hasn't come back. Shitty, shitty, shitty week.

Seriously though, that mother-in-law of his sounds like a real piece of shit.

Unlike her mayor, she didn't want the pipe.

What a loser. My Canadian girlfriend always puts out like crazy when I go visit her or see her at summer camp. She's so fucking hot at sex.

Go fuck yourself, Mr. Sterling.

His dealer might have cut him off.

A Spock fan already. They are raising him right.

I keep thinking of Prince George as Stormaggedon, dark lord of all

"Who ARE these people?"


Sorry for the double post but...this bearded guy seems to have it out for John, dude better watch his back.

SERIOUSLY!? ERGHHHHHH....now where the hell am I supposed to get this printed up?!

Wow, very ballsy of an ESPN employee.

Good thing Snoop sent this message through Instagram. Someone with an account is bound to know Sterling, tell him about it, and then maybe Tweet Sterling's response or put it on their Tumblr.

See no evil, hear no evil, deodorize no evil.

He is just stunned that he's sitting 2 seats away from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Umpire: Oh, what's this on your neck?

Normally a divorced spouse gets half of everything, but thanks to the savvy pre-nup that Wilson signed, Ashton is left without even a quarter back.