
Democrat here.

Is that when the AMG 6x6 drives past and and the snorts at both G-Wagens and snidely remarks, “peasants.”

Thanks, Univision/Obama.


Perhaps trying not to get caught up in the details, the group didn’t seem to plan their escape as well.

“That one’s for Barbaro, motherfuckers.”

The horse realizes that the Olympics should be for humans, not him, and is now righting a wrong. Respect.

It’s not like any Jalopnik readers would ever fetishize very expensive inanimate objects.

*jaw drops*

The first step is admitting that you are a fancy steering wheel. The second step is admitting that you are powerless, and letting Jesus take the wheel.

F*** me if that is not some seriously outstanding title-making on your part.

Heartless, he just took ad-van-tage of it.

I’m voting NP just because I respect the build. I would spend my money elsewhere, however.


I know which Camry’s mine!

Me and the other 4Runner Oppos have noticed the 4Runner has a similar thing, but with the front bumper.

I’m an ex LEXUS/Toyota Master tech and....... no this is not true. I’d say a tad more common due to basic math (more Toyotas on the road than Pagani) but ALL drivers suck ass in ALL cars. People of ALL ages buy Lexus/Toyotas cars just like ALL other brands.

Holy shit!