
Looks almost invisible

Is that a Tracy Jeep?

That’s a bloody good take.

SF has a different name for “helmetless hipsters with poor taste”:

This may very well be COTD.

No, it’s called “BMV Valet Parking”

A rare Merchero?

Is that Ferrari parked on a red curb?

Sick. Simply hard to find one of these.

I’ve always heard it as “kink in the armor”. I figured chainmail kink or something.

You’ll be on brain detail

Missing lower jaw

Different but same!

Sometimes I worry about Jason.

All pickup trucks.

So would this get infested by gross stuff like lice or fleas?

Did you name him Phaeton

The English V-8s are on the right side of the car

Those rims look like the Millennium Falcon

Dont they talk about those engines on Oppositelock?