
I’m sorry? What? Who is the victim here. You really think he is a victim? Please. I say this to people who I believe to be opportunists, but thanks for your comment.

Noted.. Those days are long over for me.. So 80's :-)

Honey is that you?? Could we possible be on the same site :-)

Had she stopped at some point... She’s just a mess, and has to be mentally ill. No one would think they looked beautiful after the after shot and the balance of surgeries. How could she not be mentally ill.

He’s 49.. he couldn’t restrain a 76 year old woman without putting her in a closet? How about just leaving the apt. you money grabbing opportunist. She’s worth about 500Mill, lets see how fast he leaves her.

He may or may not be.. but I am!

It’s fucking frightening what people can get away with. This psycho should have been put down a long time ago. The courts are failing here miserably by allowing this Cretan to mentally abuse his ex in a most disgusting manner. What a pig.

I’m sure always been. You don’t just wake up one day and become a dick, (normally!) you have just hidden it well. At least Karl Lagerfeld has the decency to know he’s a dick, he owns it. Tom Ford hides behind his pretty face. Not so pretty after this read.

He’s such a dick. Just this alone makes him a miserable fuck. He’s a child, not one of your douche models. What a dick. This made me so sad. Poor kid. The Russian Beluga must suck in that house, on china I bet, no Nemo plates allowed :-(