
Laura - pay more attention to what the “Convention of States Project” is. Republicans are extremely close to having enough state legislative seats to call a Constitutional Convention. There really isn’t any precedent for this, and no rules. Which means they will make the rules, and there’s no checks to stop them. 24

It is also possible you’re sitting in some dirty warehouse in Russia, hoping to earn enough money to buy a new Adidas workout suit.

Really, either guess is just as likely.

Can we please go back to last year’s model?

These questions won’t be answered in an internet forum. They can only be answered and talked about face-to-face. And that happens when large groups of people who otherwise wouldn’t interact, do interact.

Unless you give them a reason to not. Which this thread will do.

But what do I know. I’m just a man.

I constantly underestimate the ability of the Left to eat their own.

So your line is that he has to be exactly a brand new Hitler, and anything less is copacetic? Why yes, I do believe you are simply high-minded and accepting and not pushing your own narrative at all, random internet poster.

Only if you want it to be crap.

I am white, and male, and will not ever wear that fucking hat.

Fuck you, shit head.

Exactly this. Plus, I was around in the days of getting Doom and even Wolfenstien working on my 386 PC. Lots of friends couldn’t watch or play those at first because....motion sickness!

Chair in the Room is the one of the best story-driven games out there, and while it’s only 3 or 4 hours, those 3 or 4 hours are a better experience than you’ll get with 80% of 10+ hour AAA games.

Which is what my fellow Vive owners have been saying since launch in April. VR isn’t complete without hand controllers AND full “room scale” motion freedom. It simply is what makes it. And with tetherless options coming down the pike, it’s just getting better. The naysayers are going to look like idiots within a year.

Sure but in a year from now, it’ll be worth $3.50.

It isn’t that he’s ignorant: the dude is a Pats fan and is butthurt that Rodgers is stepping on Brady’s legacy.

Ah I see.

There was a petition that went around to get Buck/Aikman kicked off calling this game. This was brought up to them during the week, so they were aware of it. It was making waves in Wisconsin media. Anyway, they prob overcompensated just a bit....but then, Rodgers is masterful, extremely talented, and deserves all the

You’re making assumptions of people you know nothing about. So congrats - you just became an asshole in this story as well! Yay!

More people voted against Trump than they did for Trump. Think about THAT bucko.

. I r dumb