
It’s completely usable without the app. I just did chicken breasts last night. It’s even simpler than what you’re asking for - it’s one button to power it on and a dial to set the temp.

It’s completely usable without the app. I just did chicken breasts last night. It’s even simpler than what you’re

To be fair, it was 4 seconds into that game and Atlanta was already on the 4 yard line. If I were there, I’d be back in concessions getting a beer, too.

I can’t speak for Barry, but I was in section 108 at Lambeau yesterday and I can confirm that, in my section at least, there were A LOT of grown men shitting their dick up there.

Nah, it’s all the same generation. GenX. We bitch about giving them out but get incensed when our snowflake doesn’t get one.

Klarth makes good words.

Vegas Vacation is the best Vacation.

Where I’m from, a lot of the bars are open all night and then serve breakfast around 5 or 6am. I haven’t done it in a few years, but there’s just something special about bringing in the New Year with a bunch of other degenerate bastards eating pancakes in a bar that you puked in 2 hours before.

Social media is probably the worst thing that humans have invented. You’d think this exchange of ideas would have merit, but it isn’t true. All it does is reinforce the worse bits of human behaviour, because we’re by nature inclined to focus on the negative.

Maybe what Will is saying is that instead of looking out the window, to just simply turn around and observe what is happening? Perhaps the metaphor is that too many people have been looking out the window for too long, and while their attention is diverted because all the noise and garbage is too much, shitty things

Worked pretty well for the Tea Party...

Orrr... Tie a small knot in the cable about an inch lower than the earbud on one side (for me, it’s the left) and you’ll be able to do it by feel.

You live in a completely unreal reality. You know this, right?

Deeply entrenched gerrymandering coupled with a DNC that abandoned Dean’s 50-state Strategy...

Only person triggered around here is you, bucko.


I think you’re thinking of the Bourne Ultimatum.

Zack Snyder shoots a pretty picture. He has a still photographer’s eye for cinematography though. Maybe it’s because he got his break in transferring comics to screen with 300 and Watchmen, but he hasn’t been able to shake it. A movie isn’t just a moving GIF image, though, and he runs into trouble when movement has to

Jesus, not that fucking Marvel color grading video again...

“A Golden Gopher”

Or perhaps Margaret Cho had placed herself as a vocal critic of Doctor Strange, and this casting in particular, which directly critisizes Tilda Swinten, which she then became aware of and decided to reach out to her to understand MC’s perspective and to explain her own?

But no, it’s probably more likely that TS just