
“All of the power of the Internet”. Yes. Because when it comes to this, “the internet” is often really illuminating, even-minded, and able to see the nuance of arguments being made by both sides.

Was she as unpopular? Yes. But what you are saying here? BULL. SHIT. You’re a fucking moron if you think that and it really invalidates every opinion you have. If you believe it, that means you bought into the bullshit the right’s been selling. And that makes you a mental midget. 

So question - what state is your father in in which that happened? Don’t have to answer exactly, but did the state deny the Medicaid funds that would cover those increases? Because there were quite a few states, all controlled by Republicans. Not saying all GOP-controlled states refused them, but of all those that

Could it be those people in NE WI are still butthurt about how Favre was handled? Nahh...

/NW WI checking in.

To be fair, Finley was forced retired when it was determined that another hit would break his neck.

Jennings though.... Ya.

As a yearly attendant of Comic Con, coming in from Minnesota - thank you. Sincerely.

Nah. Jesper had it right the first time. Get fucked yourself, boyo. You are an imbecile if you think Hillary is half of what the Republicans says she is. You don’t have “profound actual disagreements”. You have mindless absorption of propaganda. 

This. Here. So much this right here.

Find a gamestop or Microsoft store, and try out the Vive. You’ll no longer be singing that tune

Oh. I see. You’re a fucking putz. Good to know.

And I’m hoping that whatever the shortfalls or the glitches have been, which in a big piece of legislation you’re going to have, those will be remedied and we can really take a hard look at what’s succeeding, fix what isn’t, and keep moving forward to get to affordable universal healthcare coverage like you have here

Ah, if her intention is to backdoor a Canadian style health plan, per that last bit, count me in from mild support to full-on 100% I’m-with-her-ness. -signed, a hardcore lib.

No. We don’t have to justify our usage. They have to justify why they think they can charge an infinite commodity. They aren’t producing bits. There’s no labor charge per bit made, because THEY DO NOT MAKE THE BITS OF DATA. This is a bullshit money grab on their part.

What if the Trump Foundation donated to the political committee of an Attorney General that was in the middle of investigating a business of Trumps until 2 weeks after that donation happened? Or is that exactly the same thing to you, too?

Waahambulance will be in your area within minutes. Please try to keep breathing.

And someone as politically savvy as him should’ve known exactly what would happen as he was saying those words. He is an albatross at this point. And just like in the poem, you don’t dare shoot it down...

Let’s not make “alt-Left” a thing, please and thank you. We’re bleeding heart libs already, and damn proud of it. We are not the opposite-but-same of those racist fuck bags.

You “should” ? Why should you? More importantly, why should I subsidize your shitty judgement?

That rear end looks like a 1991-era Aiwa boombox.

I was expecting water...