
No problem. I knew nothing about them before I bought my house, and treated it like any other “extended warranty” ... Until I had to use it, and the process was very painless.

Not a shill, but just for further info, this was the company: https://www.hmsnational.com/

Built in 1953 or 54. Not sure if it matters the age. I was pretty skeptical when the realtor brought it up, but since I didn’t pay anything I figured why not. I’m not sure, but I think the one they got was only available when purchasing a house.

Was pretty happy it was there, though. The replacement AC is a Lennox,

When I bought my house last year, my realtor insisted on the current owners paying for a Home Warranty. It was about $400, and covered all major appliances, heating/cooling, and a few other things for a year.

5 days before it expired, in June, I tested the circa 1990-era central AC and the fan outside on the compressor

Until there are actual year-over-year-over-year losses, these owners are not going to give a shit with the hypothetical over the real. And the reality of it is is that while the product on the field might be shit the past 10 years, the league continues to make more money this year than the year before, for the past 10

I’m pretty happy she was alive to see a black man become President. Fuck her and may she rest in hell.

Lucky for her, Roger Ailes has an opening on his lap.

Vote Republican and all your dreams can come true.

But, still. Jamarcus Russell.

Nope, and if John Cook reads this —- Stop blogging. You are nothing more than a useful idiot.

Is THIS candy?

I know for a fact they said it about video games. They said it to me! “Go play outside and play a game, don’t sit in front of the TV!”

Shit, that one hit close to home.

It’s not life-threatening - it is life-disrupting!

Not really. I think it’s terrible. It probably is also going to be unique to the smartphone market, no matter how much tech companies and recent MBA grads wish otherwise.

I’ve got the Ecobee and love it. Put in my house when I bought it last year, so it’s been running through last summer and into the winter with no problems, and the savings have paid for itself over the dumb thermostat that was in there. It’s got some compatibility advantages to the Nest; plus I like the 2nd sensor

I’ve got the Ecobee and love it. Put in my house when I bought it last year, so it’s been running through last

Sony will most likely have a PS4+VR bundle that will retail for $800-$850. That will be all in. It’s going to be the hottest thing this Christmas, and demand is going to far outstrip supply this holiday.

Nah. You’re wrong.

Not sure that’s a good comparison. For one, that is 10-year old tech. A big failure of both of those technologies was that the lag was pretty much unusable except in certain conditions. VR is immediate, with such low latency in the motion tracking as to be non-existent. This just strikes me as trite analogy.

There are a lot of analysts who are predicting VR to be a multi-billion dollar business in the next 5 years. Here’s just one: http://www.fool.com/investing/gene… And this is one of the more tempered articles. You might not be able to afford it, or maybe you sincerely have little interest in it, but calling it “niche”

Dan, you’re the man who gets it. Thanks.