
You might want to try some every now and then.

I’m Asian and I don’t get how can you be so mad at this.

It is good.

Yup, that was totally my fault. I’ll own that. Also as a chick, I don’t find chick demeaning. But whatevs.

I could not be happier you aren’t my mother.

this is a very salient point, at what point do my progressive ideas become fascistic? there are any number of threads you can pull on and find yourself in uncomfortable places... intervene to protect lgbt rights? that seems like a good idea, but all of a sudden you are forcing your believfs on others regardless of

I think what really gets lost here is the responsibility that women must bear. This cannot fall squarely on men. They both need to clean their sides of the street. Women can watch how they dress, what they wear, say, and how much they drink or do drugs. These are simple precautions that can and should be made, no

Your link just leads back to your comment. Kinja’ed!

Never mind today, just that quote isn’t true. Centuries implies at least two, so 1557. That puts us in the reign of Mansa Mahmud III, who is best known for being the last Mansa to rule Niani after decades of decline to the Songhay Empire.

True story, he begged Portugal, you know, one of those small “Western European

Mansa Musa, for centuries the Mali kingdom made Western Europe look like a collection of shithole countries.

If you go through all the facts it looks like she took advantage of title 9 to throw someone under the bus so her matress performance art stunt and thesis would gain more attention. That’s pretty fucking terrible, and what’s far more terrible is it looks like she got away with it, I don’t support abusers regardless of

despite how she lied about the rape that made her famous in the first, but yeah she’s a great a great artist!

Enjoy the storms!

Can I also just say that “white feminism” is not Miley Cyrus. Like. No. Critic all you want, but don’t act like all of feminists that have been white are/were pretty young pop stars. I mean, WTF.

“Former Vet,” unless he has also been a once-but-no-longer-practicing-Veterinarian, is an oxymoron- veteran means someone who has done something in the past; you can never stop being a veteran of something you were a veteran in the past. If you want two words you could say Military/Army veteran, or “Former US Army