
“What I think about is putting the ball in the air. Or else I’m going to have no money in my pocket.”

I’m old enough to remember when Deadspin used to make fun of writers for make judgments off of the sample size of 15 ABs or 1 start. But screw it, Matt Harvey for Cy Young and Puig for MVP.

Oooooh. I don’t want to body-snark, but that’s the least attractive cheerleader I’ve ever seen.

Early nominee for next year’s Names Bracket: Tad Dickman.

On that same other hand- I mean, he stabbed a guy with a pair of scissors once.

The fire may be out, but Kliff Kingsbury is still smoldering.

Keri also actually knows his shit, whereas Simmons always has been a Trump-level bullshitter.

He’s just mad because Keri is a better writer than him

Well once you rule out the impossible...

D.B. Pooper

Am I missing something here? The guy set the autopilot and bailed / jumped / fell out. Plane ran out of gas. Everything seems explained on how the plane ended up in the snow.

Also, March Madness is going on so who gives a flying fuck about a late-season Cavs/Clips matchup as much as they normally would!?!?

So the league is just going to ignore teams like the Nets, who routinely sit their entire teams for multiple night stretches at a time?

The last thing the NBA wants to do is potentially offend the celebrity worshipping casual fan.

Isn’t there a bit of an onus on the fans not to blindly expect every player to play every night?

I honestly don’t see the big deal. Coaches/owners should be able to run their teams how they see fit. If teams can tank and it’s acceptable, I don’t see how resting starters is a big deal.

Cool story. Did he do this?

This happened probably, like, decades before you were born. I mean, obviously not a good look, but more or less ancient history at this point.

Hey, remember when Gawker did pretty much the same damn thing and it was “ok” by everyone at Gizmodo? How’s this any different?

Lets say I hypothetically want to locate these new leaked pictures, for science. Where could I find them?