
The big eye opener for me was that the current president of Korea is the daughter of the man responsible for this!

The trick being of course that the small displacement engines will never pass emissions standards.

You’re crazy. If PEDs can help guys hit a baseball better, it can definitely help with your shot.

Or maybe he’s a cornbug in the stink pudding?

They were. Mines are not offensive weapons. They’re area denial weapons. They’re designed to slow enemy movement or to redirect enemy movement.

Except your assertion is provably false. Murder rate is the lowest its been in decades, with a slight up tick recently, but the number of guns in the US in private hands has exploded over the last 15 years.

You assume there will be no plans for this.

Another quote from that article:

Iron Duke!

Does this guy only own one suit? That’s the same one he’s wearing walking out of court!

I root for the Cowboys.

Not the Ravens like you obviously do.

Hey! My first car was a ‘74 Nova back in the late ‘90s, but now I drive a 991S now.

Dealers are just as much to blame. Competition amongst dealers is so high that someone out there will make that deal for $3. So cost conscious people will look for that deal.

Yep. It happens. Go back to Desert Storm. A UK combat air controller directed US fire on British light armor.

It was a UK combat air controller that directed the Warthog pilot onto British tanks in Desert Storm. Just FYI.

April Fools!

That video doesn't show anything. A ship walkthrough? They've been at that point now for a year.

That's because the customer facing arm of the USPS, such as the counter workers at the retail locations, are a cross section of what's wrong with humanity.

If you put supercharger stations at all USPS offices they would be everywhere . . .and. . .you would never get service!