
PSA: i ONLY fund abortion and sorcery.

I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a

I was just thinking about that. Every single woman that I know who's had an abortion didn't have it for medical reasons, but because she got pregnant by accident and didn't want a baby. Coincidentally, every single one of them has also zero regrets about it and most have now kids, too. I really think that's the

If she'd said "I decided to terminate the pregnancy for personal, non-medical reasons and I don't feel an ounce of guilt or shame about it" they would have her head on a spike.

It's really brave of her to share her experience.

This is not personal, but it's as good a time as any to bring up how much I hate the "I can't get too upset about this" or "I can't muster that much rage over this" comments on stories about women's personal experiences. As though another woman's experience has to be measured and qualified by your specific

Thanks, Dodai! I mean, her name is funny as hell, don't get me wrong, but I don't want creepers showing up at her house looking for a late breakfast.

Poor kid. First her parents make her move to Florida, now this.

I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From loveisrespect.org:

I've never seen it so it doesn't happen - that's your argument ?

The same issue exists in literature and film and some creators do manage to address violence with some nuance, so I don't believe it's due to a lack of time or the limitations of the medium. It's just laziness at best. Malice even in many cases.

For some reason, this story has put me over the edge of complacency (wow, that's poetic). I'm a female computer programmer, and luckily haven't experienced that much sexism (beyond wage gaps that I'm sure are there). But I want to become an active feminist now. I want to be a pioneer somehow in my field, and do

Fast forward to fall of 2013 when I started dating my girlfriend. She's from California and couldn't know/care less about football. She finds out I am a fanatical Jets fan and hears me bitch about Mark Sanchez one day and says "Oh I know that name, who is that?" Once I inform her she says "Ohhhh that's the football

The thing that gets me is that whenever an article about this gets posted (on most websites anyway), SO MANY of the comments are like:

...you think no one deserves to live in a world where they're not objectified 24/7? And you're saying this as someone who lives in a world where SWM aren't objectified?

In most cases the authorities can't or won't do anything until there's an actual, physical indecent. At least that's what the authorities in Louisiana told my mom while she was being harassed by a male EMT on parole for *harassing and stalking his ex-wife*. He murdered her.

I think it's less about telling artists what to create than it is criticizing the created product and citing sources to back up her claims. That said, a reasonable discussion is incredibly useful in these situations.

when confronted with either dying or living as a Jets fan, they chose slowly poisoning themselves to death. That's actually a perfect metaphor for rooting for this team year after year

She really struck a nerve with that video. I suspect the part about how violence against women is thrown around like wallpaper with no critical look at the system that creates it is what pissed them off the most. We're supposed to believe these depictions aren't misogynist - or are even pro-woman/feminist - because