Worse than a murderer?
Worse than a murderer?
NOTHING shows less class than being rude to those in the service industry. You can have all the money in the world, but if you're rude to wait staff etc, you are trash. FACT.
Yeah, I understand why it's obnoxious to the mom, but I can see the other side of that issue too. Are childless people just supposed to endlessly nod and say, "Oh, yes, you have it so hard. Nothing I have ever done could ever compare to what you do," over and over again?
Alright, this might be an unpopular thought: I am over parenthood complaints. You wanted it, you got it. That doesn't mean that I don't care about maternity leave issues and workplace discrimination related to pregnancy and motherhood. But run of the mill, wow, having a baby makes me tired stuff, yes. I have an…
ABSOLUTELY. I feel Like Gaston's dick would be uncomfortable huge, and it would never get fully hard, and OMG won't he just come already I am so bored and my mouth/hand/back hurts now.
I've slept with that guy. We've all slept with that guy.
Ha! Bestiality! But he was totally gross after the transformation.
Yeah, yeah, there's a double standard. When it swings our way, we get more power, more freedom, and entirely better lives than women do. When it swings their way, they get to make 'sexist' jokes and draw cartoon dicks. I'm crying into my neckbeard about how unfair life is to me as a man.
When I was in middle school, debating which of the Disney Princes was most fuckable was our favorite pasttime.
Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.
Love that people are equating this to rape gifs. A naked cartoon body =/= assault
Are you really saying jokey pictures of naked cartoon characters (in an article you have to choose to click on, with a NSWF warning) are in any way comparable to rape and gore gifs of actual people sent to people without warning?
"Someday my prince will cum."
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.
The whole time we were working on this, I couldn't get this out of my head:
Finally, a Disney Princess post I give a damn about.
No one's slick as Gaston