
I think one overlooked aspect when it comes to foreign policy is that the US does a lot of essential “quiet work” on the ground that doesn’t really grab the media’s attention. It could be helping to monitor an emerging democracy’s elections, providing farmers in third-world countries with agricultural advice or

Absolutely! At this meeting alone, gender ratio was 4 men to 9 women. Also, when has pretending to be republican worked for us?

It’s bad either way for them. If they do happen to get this past the Senate, it’s bad in the general. If they don’t manage to get it out of the House, it bad in their primaries.

If they do this, they might just seal their fate. People will fucking die because of their direct actions, and there will be no denying the blood on their hands. And how then do you claim to be the “pro life” party? How can you make that claim when you decided to kill people so that millionaires will see their tax

I was just saying this to my mom after our county Democratic chair was wailing against the push for pro-choice to be non-negotiable. Like women and minorities are a solid democratic base, the white men are fickle, why would you want to pissed these groups off? It’s certainly not men running around doing the work in

Former congressman and deadbeat dad John Walsh.

I think there’s been enough rabble-rousing from the Republican side that if they do repeal the ACA, they’ll get kicked out in 2018, and hopefully we’ll get enough Dems into congress before it takes effect and they can clean the sheets after having the Repubs shit the bed.

In reality, the bill as currently structured has no chance in the Senate anyway, and some sections of it will probably be stripped out under the Byrd Rule for reconciliation bills. In fact, one of the ways the House leadership is selling it to GOP moderates is by telling them it won’t pass the Senate.

I was once excluded from my then-husband’s insurance (through his employer) for ANY OB-GYN coverage because I had once had an abnormal (but not cancerous) pap smear. We do NOT want to go back to those bad old days. Can we just get freaking universal healthcare and stop all this messing around with greed and profits?

That man infuriates me. He should also change his name because every time I hear it I have to take time to remind myself he isn’t the guy from America’s most Wanted.

The thing about the Rabbi Shmuley selfie is what is written ON the whiteboard: Muslim Ban (checked as completed) - this accidental evidence will kill the White House’s contention (in the appellate courts) that the travel restrictions were anything other than religious discrimination (and leave no room to argue that

And on an unrelated note, GOP leaders think they’ve obfuscated the pre-existent condition issue enough to pass a healthcare bill.

Can we please just hurry the fuck up with those pending indictments we keep hearing about?

I love that this spat happened with a Brietbart goon. If they turn on Trumpenstein it will be glorious to behold.

If you don’t fucking love PowerPoints, you haven’t been made to sit through enough talks without PowerPoints.

For me it is frustrating at times. I know young women who support choice and yet vote for people like W or Romney or McCain. These are not women I am close to, I guess I’d call them acquaintances. I say: If you care about Choice don’t vote for these guys. They say: That’s just what they have to say to get the


If you support a racist, or a fascist or an actual Nazi then you are an awful person.

and conveniently forget how her side brutally outmanoeuvred Sanders

It takes a real feat of cold, tangled logical acrobatics to conclude that, in the event of a fascist candidate, people who don’t want a fascist president should not gather around the banner of the candidate who is not a fascist.