
Honestly, sounds like she dodged a bullet.

Except for the fact that Pewdiepie never records at night... At least not in the white spacious place he uses. He probably records at night in the soundproof room.

If your landlord is evicting you after one noise complaint, then that landlord is an asshole and a bad landlord.
And that wasn’t even the case, the noise complaint came after he was evicted, meaning the landlord is evicting him out of prejudice for assuming he was gay.

I’m not particularly sympathetic for Pewds because

The police are a militia though. That’s how they started. And they *are* regular citizens, just with a small amount of added authority. They’re still supposed to be held to the same standards of the law that the rest of citizens are though. The military is also an outgrowth of the militia that was mentioned in the

He was recording at 6:30 PM.

Watch the video... it was a 6pm

The second amendment is 1700s legal speak for the police force. While you’re saying ‘shall not be infringed,’ don’t forget ‘the right of the people,’ which is the same people as in “The People V OJ Simpson.” The people of the united states have the right to form militias to protect their localities as it is necessary

You missed the fact that he actually states they only record during day time, and the notice warns about noise during night hours, which he said he does not record.

That’s clearly not what’s happening here, as the noise complaint came after the eviction notice, and both came after the landlord thought he was having gay sex in the apartment and called him a slur and cursed him out. Apartments have noise restrictions; they don’t have sexuality restrictions.

I actually had to look

Sounds like the landlord was more concerned with not having a couple of “faggots” living in his building, actually.

I mean, he was joking. The tone is v light.

Most apartments also have a warning system in place where one complaint will not get you evicted and at least where I have lived it usually requires 3 official notices before they can evict you. Sounds like he got 1... after he got the eviction notice. If he had been given more he may have been able to change his

“I could buy this house, I don’t fucking need you.”

Nintendo should totally give up on gimmicky new console controller ideas, like analog sticks, shoulder buttons, trigger-like back buttons, rumble, wireless, etc. Just make a version of what everyone already owns, but with your brand name on it instead! That’s what will win them back!

Yeah, the dumb gimmicks like Wii motion control. And that stupid rumble gimmick from the N64. That dumb “shoulder buttons” thing that they tacked onto the SNES. The really gimmicky d-pad that they put on the NES controller.

Face it, only time can really suss out the difference between what’s a revolutionary update to a

I mean he proposed to her at 17 years old... and 7 years later the guy still likes the exact same things. I think she dodged a bullet.

To be fair, there’s a difference between really liking a game and actually loving it so much that it becomes an important part in your life, as seems to be the case with you.

I’m sorry but that is pretty ridiculous. I know you were a kid, but holly bajesus that’s dumb. People get to have their own interests and deciding to be with them, and especially deciding to share your life with them should come down to the human being they are not whether they share a random hobby and can share in

I played the Alpha. It actually looks like this, and runs pretty well, honestly.