
So you are not comparing this chant to the taunting of Adam Jones? It seemed like you were - maybe the Schilling and Breer reference was in regard to something else?

Your comment isn’t the first I’ve seen that has tried to group this awesome Oubre chanting in with the heinous Adam Jones incident a couple weeks back. I’m just curious what your rationale is for doing that. If what happened to Adam Jones was the ugly side of Boston sports fans at their absolute worst, then what they

I don’t think they are upset for basketball reasons. I think they genuinely felt they were close on a personal level and that Ray Allen betrayed them by the way he handled the situation.

I don’t get what Oubre was mad about?

It seems almost impossible to write something about Sale throwing at Machado last night and not mention Mookie Betts being hit on Monday. But you did it! The impossible! Congrats!

It’s supposed to hurt. That’s the point.

I don’t understand “the false narrative of Manny as the villain.” Basically nobody is saying he is the villain, almost unbelievably considering that he has a history of punk behavior and tried to end the career of a guy who has never done anything to make himself a target of that kind of thing. I wish the Red Sox

I have been to literally hundred of games, almost all of them in Boston, and I’ve never heard anything like that, either. The frustrating thing for me as a Bostonian is that in general this really is one of the most progressive and educated cities in the world, but you have this small underbelly of blue collar locals

Saying that sneaker industry deserves to be disrupted and so therefore we should get behind Lavar Ball’s effort to do it is the same type of thinking as the depraved assholes in flyover country that said Washington, D.C. needed to be disrupted so they voted for Trump.


Right, only Red Sox fans would think the opposing player did something wrong here. Every other fan base in baseball would be totally cool with it.


Jesus Fucking Christ. I’m (not really) sorry to be blunt, here, but fuck you. I honestly hate you. Not because you are a bad person, or because you are a stupid person, but because you are both bad and stupid. That’s the worst.

Obviously this kind of piece is not HELPFUL in any way, to anyone. But damn if I don’t love the shit out of reading it. Hamno, you bring me joy, man. I see you, and your rage mixed with your pithiness just straight up makes me happy. So thanks for that.

Now he knows how we feel.

You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, do you? After reading most (but hopefully not ALL) of your spamming of this comment thread with angrily confrontational nonsense, I’m convinced that I’m either responding to a well conceived word-salad bot or a human being that is not nearly as smart as it thinks it

Tom, I love you, man. But this is a remarkably terrible take. That Rondo and other guys on that team actually took it personal that their teammate flaked on them and abandoned them for a hated rival - that they took their team and their bond that seriously - honestly makes me happy. What Ray Allen did to his Celtics

Yo man. I think you’ve maybe got something about what I said mixed up.

I agree, kind of. I think most people who self identify as socialists are after a more radical reconstruction of our economy than I think is necessary. If instead of buckets (socialist, capitalist, communist, etc.) we had a continuum, I’d favor just a slight shift toward socialism and away from laissez-faire

Right. I’m saying, to get those dicks out do we need to just reflexively reject everything they support? Or can we take a nuanced approach where we keep the things we like and get rid of the things we don’t like? Because it seems like if we just had not-dicks running things and those not-dicks just made common sense