
I think they'd be more like golf carts.

Well said. Unfortunately where I live they seem to universalize this shit.

My nail polish never looks that good by the time I take it off.

To be fair, while I mostly agree with you re: the absurd incarceration in the US and adults' right to do what they want with their bodies, I wouldn't want a meth lab house next door to me. Because of the toxic fumes and risk of explosions and whatnot.

Mmmm. I sliced my labia minora once shaving. Now I have my husband wax me. I don't think this is such a dumb product.

Okay, so no one's being starved to death or poisoned by noxious stenches, but the stories in the comments here remind me sooo much of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Just the "yeah, use 'em up and throw 'em away" spirit in which these corporations operate. It gives me a sad.

Awww, your grandma. Mine used to say "Everything works out for the best." And my child brain always thought 'but some people are homeless, clearly everything can't possibly work out for the best all the time' but that's my awful pessimistic brain for you. She was wise and wonderful and I loved her very much.

I thought so! I remember smh about it.

That's fucked up. Glad you're still here.

THIS! Didn't Jez commenters get some of their more hostile remarks about his past taken down, or lose their stars over calling him out on here at one point right after the attempted murder/suicide blow-up? I seem to remember complaints about that.

Holy crap, your friend. I would have to move, or I would become a hardcore agoraphobe. I wouldn't be able to take that. I would crumble under all that screaming, it would do things to my psyche. So...props to her I guess?

He should film it for youtube plsthnx?

I had an eye-opening experience during a sleepover at a friend's house when I was in grade school. My friend wanted to watch The Bodyguard on VHS (fuck, I'm dating myself) which her parents had rented. (Rated R, oooooh.) Her mother agreed, but reminded her that it was important my friend understood that they did not

Thought those were brownies at first. And despite my admittedly dumb, American, instinctive "nononoooo" reaction to the idea of eating bugs, I kind of wanted to try a bite. Because I could really go for a brownie right now.

Wait, Vitamin G? What? I think I'm missing the joke here...

Cosigned and you're awesome.

The cigarette thing...yeah. I'm nursing a baby here and that made my heart feel squeezed. And made me cuddle her a little closer.

Nah, only WOMEN are obligated to be thin you see. For success, men have to be rich whereas women have to be thin and beautiful (and if they are then they might be have money also). *vomits*

In the early days of our relationship, I used that skeleton couple photo as the centerpiece of a valentine I made for my husband. Pasted it on a lacy paper doily and everything, grade-school style. He didn't really appreciate it though.

High-five, fellow armpit lover!