
I so think it is worth a watch! That said, yeeeeah, S3 was a bit of a car wreck, and I recommend avoiding it if you don't want to have your feelings for the show (assuming of course that you like it) diminished.

Dude, me too! I am staring at his picture going: "..."

That was really well said.

Ours was about $26,000. We're pretty average people.

You've convinced me.

$800 was the price, alterations were $200. So $1000. More than I would have liked, but the dress was so totally me...

Thatz a really good comment. Thank you.

I look fake with red hair and wrong with brown. I was adorably blond as a kid, but in my 20's my hair gradually turned this awful mousy dirty blonde-brown color. So I'm staying blond until I go gray. And even if I were single I would not give a fuck what anyone thinks of that.

High five yo. Well done.

I'm so glad I never bought any of these pants.

Fuck that, I would have sent that letter.

That WAS a good cry. Damn. Good kid, sweet cat. Brb, weeping more.

This. Joke about that and nuh uh, not getting NEAR my cat. Ever.

Dude, I want to hug you. Well done sir.

I enjoyed this.

Yarp. Awful shit. My husband has to submit to one of these physical exams/edumacational 'wellness' sessions once a year, or pay way more for our family's health insurance. He's maybe 25 lbs overweight, and he finds this crap extremely intrusive, invasive and annoying (overweight people already know they're overweight,

You sound like a VERY good friend, and no good deed goes unpunished. I'm sorry. :(

That was a great story.

A school play where the whole cast was planning to do meth afterwards? I wouldn't have thought the sort of people who would want to be in a school play would be the same set as the ones risking becoming methheads. Gosh.

Holy shit I would have been pissed.