I for one am shocked that the company behind a game designed to make money by taking advantage of peoples' worst psychological impulses is capable of this sort of behavior.
I for one am shocked that the company behind a game designed to make money by taking advantage of peoples' worst psychological impulses is capable of this sort of behavior.
Envirogolf takes golf simulators to the next level. Instead of just simulating the experience of playing golf, it also hilariously reminds you of the untold environmental and social costs involved. With every stroke, a native resident of the land chimes in to remind you of the resources required to create a massive,…
One thing I'd like to add: Nut-punchy games simply die faster. Yes, they're more popular, but the people that actively stick with games that require or reward cooperation end up sticking with it in the long run.
It's because cooperation is fleeting, difficult and so extremely satisfying when it happens. Escaping the Ete…
I would actually love to see a modded Occulus Rift made specifically for people with Stereoblindness. Not commercially, but I'm sure there's a large enough demand that a home-modifying community will sprout up when it comes out.
I had sutures on my left eyeball
Depth perception is one of those things... You probably wouldn't understand what a wonderful thing it is even if you lost it. I probably wouldn't. And I'm saying this because when I cover up my other eye and look at my surroundings, I see a 2D world that doesn't seem THAT different from the 3D world I would normally…
I too am stereo-blind, due to a disorder known as Strabismus. They caught it young enough to fix most of it, but unfortunately, the doctor neglected to tell us I needed a 3rd surgery to finish the job until we switched docs when I was 8.
I'm glad you were able to get such a great experience out of it. That's really cool. I remember my first time trying a 3DS in a Best Buy and seeing the little Pilotwings guy hover out of the screen in front of me. I was grinning the whole time. It was the strongest feeling of "It works!" I've ever gotten from a piece…