
Actually...George W Bush’s rhetoric after 9/11 was much classier and more respectable than anything out of Trumps mouth.

Wonder if that’s what happened to my mom, because she also had to have a hysterectomy and didn’t stop bleeding. This was her third kid very close together (my sister is 22 months younger than me).

Tell that to my MIL who thinks birth is not a medical emergency (wtf lady your daughter in law is pregnant)

I think they realized Donald Trump was president and didn’t want to live on this earth anymore.

The california part helps A LOT. Also, people in the midwest (in my experience) really don’t like it when you don’t love their god.

Truthfully, no. I think you underestimate how much they love their Jesus. My in laws are from Michigan as is my husband(we live in CA now husband not in laws), their county went blue for Obama and red this election.

The most depressing thing is I think at age 10 I wrote more coherent speeches as a kid running for class president than he did (did I lose? yes, but maybe that was why).

If he (sanders) were run and they had a moderate candidate (that wasnt a sack of shit say a Romney or a Mccain) I would have voted Repub over Dem.

I hope my fucking “republican party vote” supporting mother in law is happy with her vote because her fucking children have a jewish father and LOOK VERY JEWISH.

Yep. Completely agree.

I wonder if men realize that making it harder to have abortions means more babies which means child support.... for some of these guys if the baby isn’t wanted.

You and me both. I think worst case scenario my husbands work (we’re in silicon valley) covers it for free but still...

There are probably a lot of people who are those people.

Yea she was gorgeous in her younger years.

My husband is having this conversation. I am a person of color but apparently its okay to racist about EVERYBODY ELSE WHO IS A MINORITY THAT IS NOT ASIAN. Because they know one or two Asians and it is A OKAY CAUSE WE ARENT AFFECTED APPARENTLY.

Bullshit my husband did everything he could to explain what was wrong with

I have inlaws who voted for him, who lived in michigan. White upper middle class in laws. I am a PoC

After last nights devastating result, my husband and I are donating a fuckton of money to one of these organizations. My husband was suggesting the ACLU but we’re going to donate somewhere between 1 and 10k to one of these organizations. We’re lucky to be wealthy and we want to use it for something good.

I voted for Clinton and Kamala Harris.

Due in april and ditto want the same thing. (except I have no idea what gender by baby is yet, next week I find out.)

I voted early, it took 15 minutes. It was fast and easy and as a minority I didn’t ask for ID. My husband a white male had his drivers license out because he thought we needed to show proof of identity.