teachers make a huge difference in kids lives and they definitely go above and beyond.
teachers make a huge difference in kids lives and they definitely go above and beyond.
I am wealthy and having a baby soon. My hope is that our child doesn’t realize how much money we have and learns to value money. On both sides our siblings have less money than we do so I’m hoping they’ll get some perspective. My fear is raising a spoiled child who has no concept of money :\
It’s because its a really awkward conversation to have. My husband and I make good money like well into 1% territory but we try not to tell anyone how much. It’s hard to hide because there are a few things that if you knew you’d know we were comfortable, not from how we live but just indications from jobs…
Are they going to boycott Nordstrom by buying from Nordstrom? That’s usually what Trump supporters do when they boycott something.
Yeah that’s the sad part, the people who end up getting hurt are the poor kids who don’t have the same opportunities. Not the kids in good school districts with relatively well to do parents.
I’m going to go against general opinion and say that, I actually like Macy’s.
This is super fucked up :\ of your family to do. Apparently they care more about their “principles” than the life of their own child and family.
How can they do it without being embarrassed is what I wonder.
A lot of people think that a 20 week fetus can survive or 22 week fetuses can survive because they have before. The part they don’t follow is that ACTUALLY NO MOST OF THE TIME THEY CAN’T. Up until about 33 or 34 weeks a fetus born during that time has a high chance of having some kind of developmental disability…
Wow wtf what a dick wad.
I think people don’t necessarily realize this or how it works. You can’t be the person who just refuses no, you need to be able to let some things go to fight for things that matter that is honestly the best way to get things done. You don’t always have to agree but you essentially get currency to fight for what you…
What I don’t understand about these men is the fact that if you think birth control is terrible and abortion is terrible, are they then okay with the fact that they’re going to be slapped with 18 years of child support? ..................
Debt and/or no savings.
Also not a great role model for women. Her clothes will be shit from her line shes using to try to promote it which will only cause women not to buy the clothing because it generally looks cheap.
I would agree with this. I would not spank my child unless it was the only method of punishment that worked to stop them from doing something dangerous, but to me it’s like anything else a method of punishment for doing something bad. And I don’t mean BEAT YOUR CHILD TO A BLOODY PULP. My parents spanked me but it…
Yes! I’m currently pregnant and the number of people who feel that they know how to be pregnant better than me and that they know my body better than me is astonishing. I know what I can and can’t do and its not the same for everyone. My child won’t be the same as another person’s and so my parenting methods will…
I love how people love to decide that they can parent your kids better than you because you know they know what’s better for your kids than you do.
The key part is if it’s all the parents are doing to punish the kid.
I was spanked and I turned out perfectly fine. I was never abused by my parents at all.
Yes and if you had sex with an adult that was consenting it would be ok.