I bet you can download Morrowind over a modern internet connection faster than my original Xbox used to load new areas up.
I bet you can download Morrowind over a modern internet connection faster than my original Xbox used to load new areas up.
As someone who’s had 4 rescue dogs, 1 currently living with us (the other 3 lived to ripe old ages and passed on) with an eye towards getting another one to get us back up to a reasonable number of dogs in our home, I fully hear you.
he’s not sexually harassing these women, he’s just Italian,
Some people are stressing about DC statehood to get two more lock Senate seats, other people want to abolish the Senate because it’s undemocratic, and I’m just sitting here thinking that maybe the experiment of federalism has run it’s course. Like, we’ve got 200+ years of really good data, surely we can draw enough…
Yeah but you clicked on it. /ducks
Yes, they did. Note my point of clarification. They behaved badly towards her. But the idea that it’s media’s fault for sexualizing Spears is laughable.
“But she was on Mousketeers” is your grand counterargument here?
You serious RN? When I reference “Dion” in a group of singers who have succeeded based on their singing prowess as compared to direct sex appeal and it’s unclear who I’m referencing?
It’s also worth noting that Spears, post conservatorship and getting her shit back together (ish), still happily performed those songs.
The thing about Substack is that even if they lose something it won’t matter. They could basically shed the bulk of their overhead, let writers use the platform, take a tiny cut of the subscriptions, and be profitable with a miniscule back office. Who knows what their current valuation is or what dreams they have,…
You mean how it was sold to Univision in a transaction everyone thought was dubious from the start, and that was sort of the last hurrah of the old digital media valuations. As proven by the subsequent sale to Great Hill after Univision took a nine figure impairment charge on the purchase?
If you want to blame someone besides Spears, the media is a distant third to consumers of pop music and her managers/family’s choice to have her become a pop star. Spears didn’t have the pipes or the creative sensibilities to succeed by doing anything other than hypersexualized pop music.
simultaneously sexualizing her and then blaming her for that sexiness.
“He mentioned in the all hands and the coffee chat that the VCs he talked to would not fund us if we unionized,” one current Medium employee told Vice. “This is awfully close to a ‘threat,’ which you can’t do, but just toes the line because he’s not saying ‘we’ll lose funding,’ he’s saying ‘I talked to someone who…
I mean, I hear you on the “not making money” but I also know that I pay for my health insurance so in that sense it is a form of transfer payment.
That’s one of the arguments Esther is raising in this very article:
Sorry, but no, as a stand alone argument, it is laughable when you compare it to what other large cities have to contend with in terms of jockeying for influence with their Senators.
In his new, definitely real role Harry will be “expected to have input into initiatives including product strategy decisions and charitable contributions, and advocate publicly on topics related to mental health.” These are real tasks for a real job. Despite having no experience at a start-up, no tech experience, and…
I’d say a lot of non-voters who don’t vote because of a lack of interest don’t hate either side. Mostly they just think that what is going to happen is going to happen regardless of how they vote.
I wonder how many 60+ year old men who have incomes that would qualify children for safety net benefits actually have kids. Not saying that there’s no such thing as a “real” March/November romance, but the few old dudes I know with a young wife and young children ain’t hurtin.